There is nothing in your life more
powerful than your thoughts. If you pay
attention, you’ll begin to see how those thoughts create your days. Everything in your life is a product of a
thought you’ve had somewhere along the way.
Since the one person you are always
with is you – make sure you like yourself.
When I first started writing this (in book form) eleven years ago, it was just for me, as a healing guide.
I wrote it as a reminder to live life in a positive light. I had been recently diagnosed with Multiple
Sclerosis and knew I needed to examine things.
A friend brought me Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life. It had a profound impact on how I looked at
myself. I realized I didn’t like myself,
let alone love myself. When I started
looking at people around me, I realized others needed to love themselves as
well. It was time to make a change. Changing
my thinking has changed my life.
If you don't have a journal, now is a good time to start one. This is for anything you’d like to write down; lists,
thoughts, dreams, memories, anything. I also wrote it mostly in the first
person because that’s how I talk to myself. It’s how I focus my thoughts. This
writing is a daily reminder to see beauty inside and outside of you.
A big piece of using this is
to take the “Thought for the Day” and
really immerse yourself in it. Copy it
down on a piece of paper and post it somewhere you look often. Say the thoughts
over and over and over again. Create your own Thought for the Day if you don’t like mine. Watch your life change
into something positive – something more of what you really want. A small example of how this works is this:
One day I was feeling sad – downright blue.
I looked at the clock and it said 1:11.
I knew from previously read books by Dr. Doreen Virtue that the Universe
was about to take a snapshot of my thoughts.
I immediately said, “I am happy, healthy, wealthy, safe, grounded and
free.” My attitude changed at once. I felt lighter, less sad, like I could tackle
whatever was bothering me. Your thoughts
may seem simple and unimportant. They’re not.
They have the most power for creating the life you wish to live. Really,
since we can’t stop them, we might as well learn to make them into useful
January 1
I am beautiful. Today is a perfect
day to take 5 minutes and write my hopes and dreams for this coming New
Year. I will focus on what I want. I will be honest and gentle with myself.
Thought for the Day:
I bring new ideas and new energy to
this day.