The last 11 months have been about making myself available...
Not available to the world at large, but available to the one person who reached out, scared, asking for help; my son.
Navigating this has not been easy. It has been a day to day awareness. An awareness of each and every moment; each word, thought, action, feeling and interaction.
By helping him with his process of healing, I have reached a deeper level of understanding myself and all that surrounds me.
Now, think about this for a second...
What was an event in your life that nudged you into that deep place inside yourself? The place that you really connected with a sense of peace, knowing and love. And maybe you had to move through a place of not-knowing, fear and doubt first. Yet that is all part of the journey.
I would love to hear about your journey to a better place of peace; for yourself and those whom you love. -love to you in your life's journey, Shannon