
I Am Beautiful March 31

Thought for the Day:  I am grateful to be alive.
I am beautiful.  I have beautiful things in my life.  Today I will look around me and be grateful for what I have.

I Am Beautiful March 30

Thought for the Day:  I show kindness to others.
I am beautiful.  I have wonderful, loving people in my life.  Today I will let them know I feel that way.

I Am Beautiful March 28

Thought for the Day:  I can handle anything that comes my way.

I am beautiful.  I will take a moment and sit in the grass, put my hands in it, clear my mind of worries and just breathe.
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I Am Beautiful March 29

Thought for the Day:  I believe my life to be the way I want.
I am beautiful.  Today I will make a list of beliefs I have; such as, "I believe that males are selfish jerks", "I will never do better in school/work", "I am the ugliest person in my neighborhood" or “I’m clumsy”.  Then make a list of what you would like it be.  For example, "Boys/Men are gentle, kind and giving", "I am successful in whatever I do", “I am beautiful” or “I am coordinated.”

When I hear myself think one of these negative beliefs, I will change it to the positive belief I want.

Video Reflection:

I Am Beautiful March 27

Thought for the Day:  I breathe in beautiful colors and breathe out stress and judgment.
I am beautiful.  I will look for color in the world today.  I will look around to see the lovely flowers emerging from their winter sleep. I will look for flowers, budding trees and water.

I Am Beautiful March 26

Thought for the Day:  I see beauty in everything.
I am beautiful.  Today I will spend some time outside.  I will appreciate the beauty of the natural world. I will listen for nature's sounds to fill my heart as I breathe calmly.
Video Reflection:

I Am Beautiful March 24

Thought for the Day:  I am happy and peaceful.
I am beautiful.  Today I will focus my thoughts on what I want in my life.  I will think of abundance instead of lack.  I will think as if I already have what I want.

Focusing on what I want looks like this:  I have loyal friends.  I have a peaceful heart.  I am healthy.  I am compassionate.  I have all the money I need.

Video Reflection:

I Am Beautiful March 25

Thought for the Day:  I treat myself with gentle patience and respect.
I am beautiful.  Today I will exercise my mind, body and spirit.  I will eat well for my body and learn something new for my mind.  For my spirit, I will do something that makes me feel free; maybe listen to music or read a book.

I Am Beautiful March 23

Thought for the Day:  I say what I mean and mean what I say.
I am beautiful.  Today I will focus on behaving with integrity.  I will have good intentions with my thoughts, words and actions.

“Integrity is an ongoing process which requires our ongoing attention.”                  

Video Reflection:

I Am Beautiful March 22

Thought for the Day:  I am beautiful, loving and peaceful.
I am beautiful.  Today I will take time to sit still, close my eyes and just breathe.  I will let thoughts come and go without judging.  I will breathe in peace and breathe out stress.

During the day I will walk slowly with relaxed shoulders.

Video Reflection:

I Am Beautiful March 20

Thought for the Day:  I am mindful to eat well so I may be well in body.
I am beautiful.  Today I will make sure I put nourishing foods into my body. I will eat some protein for every meal.  I will drink plenty of water.  I will put fresh fruit in my body.
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