What Dreams May Come
Have you ever seen the movie, “What Dreams May Come”? If not, I highly recommend it. I saw it for the second time last night and received deeper insights than the first time.
I think this applies on so many levels. Even if you need to let go of something, never give up on yourself. I’ve had plenty of things in my life of which I’ve had to let go. This doesn’t mean I gave up, it just means I didn’t give up on me.
The second of many, and last one for this post is, “Sometimes when you lose, you win”. In the movie they talked about losing the old baggage, old roles of authority — Who’s the teacher? Who’s the father? These roles get in the way of who we are to each other.
I just want to be real to those who are reading this…
Honor every day as a new day... blessings until next time,