Thought for the Day: I see those around me as diverse and beautiful.
I am beautiful. This world is such an amazing place with so much diversity. I want others to appreciate me in my uniqueness, so today, I will look at others in their uniqueness. Instead of looking at others like they are different; different religion, different skin color, different clothes… I will focus on how we are all humans with feelings and stories.
Thought for the Day: I am responsible for me and my own changes.
I am beautiful. I woke up this morning angry; angry at this moment for being the way it is, angry at those in charge for it not being the way I asked, angry at myself for expecting others to make the change for me. I then realized I am the one who needs to make the change. If I don’t act to make the change, others will let me keep doing what I’ve always done. I am important enough to take good care of myself. It’s my responsibility to make the change for myself.
Thought for the Day: All creatures are important in this world, including me.
I am beautiful. Yesterday on my morning walk I came face to face with a mule deer. It was amazing! It was quiet and still. It stood there like a statue. I stood there too respecting the quiet acknowledgement that we both knew the other was there. It was really a special moment in my day.
Thought for the Day: I am who I am, and I am grateful for who I’m becoming.
I am beautiful. These cooler days in August are so nice for me. As a person who cannot handle the heat, I welcome cooler days of Fall. The smells in the autumn air are also distinct from any other season. There is a fragrant pungency I so enjoy. It’s different than the newness of Spring or maturity of Summer. It has the scent of decomposing, drying out and completion. Now is the time where the end of Summer draws nearer to the beginning of Fall.
Thought for the Day: I embrace change and love who I am in the process.
I am beautiful. Days are getting noticeably shorter and evenings are getting cooler. Some of the trees are starting to turn into their autumn colors a little at a time. The bees are getting more aggressive knowing their time is limited. It’s amazing how every day is a gift and our earth time is limited too. I am so grateful for this day. Another one to do my best, be who I am, grow into a better human being.